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Category Archive: Lands End to John O’ Groats

  1. Finally, the Kindle version of Point North and Pedal is here!

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    I am now very happy to say that Point North and Pedal is now available for Kindle and can be found at


    It has been an interesting process getting the book onto Amazon especially around the tax side of things. I outsourced the book formatting to make sure that the reading experience was of professional quality. I would have spent hours tinkering with the format trying to follow Amazon’s rules etc. but for the sake of a few quid it would have been time wasted.

    If you haven’t got around to purchasing a copy yet, have a look at the preview on Amazon and also have a look at the two excerpts on this website, links below:

    If you buy a paperback, all of the £6 cover price goes to the charity, if you download, approximately £2.38 is generated as a royalty. If you have already read the book, please consider leaving an honest review on Amazon, every click helps!

    For now, the novelty is still fresh and I am glued to my Amazon download report!

    Happy reading!

  2. Point North & Pedal makes Writing Magazine!

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    In a desperate bid to garner more publicity I submitted Point North & Pedal as a piece of writers news to Writing Magazine…good on ’em, they published my letter!

    Writing Magazine

    Further reading…..

    If you liked this blog please take a moment to check out my book describing the solo Land’s End to John O’Groats ride in 2012, all profit from sales to

    Please click the cover image for the Kindle version or click here to order a paperback copy. Thank you!


  3. God Bless the American Way….but maybe not their tax bit.

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    I have recently been looking at getting Point North & Pedal published as an e-book; this has been an interesting exercise in researching a topic I know nothing about.  Amazon’s help pages and FAQ’s are good although the process is quite convoluted, especially the tax situation with the United States.

    My manuscript is currently being formatted as a ‘zipped HTML’ file which, apparently, Amazon prefers for Kindle. I have set up a Kindle Direct Publishing account with Amazon and provided various bank details and international payment reference numbers provided by my bank. Obviously all in preparation for the huge amount of royalties that will wing their way to my modest little bank account. In addition to this I have created a JPEG cover for the book and a TIFF product image (the picture that you see when browsing Amazon).

    The main barrier to actually publishing for Kindle is invoking the US Tax Treaty with the UK, to do this I need to apply for an Individual Taxpayer’s Identification Number (ITIN) from the US Internal Revenue Service. If I do nothing, Amazon is forced to pay 30% of my net royalties to the Federal Government. Amazon paying its taxes you say…a little unlikely but apparently they have to or they will be doing hard labour in pink shirts that say ‘I am cheating the social state and especially sub-prime mortgage victims’; this will require a big t-shirt but then everything is big in America.

    Completing the required W7 form is easy but the catch comes with providing suitable identification, in this case that would be my passport. To get the IRS reference number, I have a couple of options: send my passport to the IRS office in Texas with Form W7 or visit the US Embassy in London to have a copy of my passport certified before sending W7 to Texas.

    The IRS counter works on a first come, first served basis and opens a limited number of time per week. The main benefit of doing things this way is I get to keep my passport. Interestingly, I am not allowed to take any electronic devices (they must be stored off-site at a cost) and entry to the embassy is via and airport style security check with body scanners and probably huge Marines that have necks thicker than their heads. If they are tooled up I am not going to argue….

    Assuming that everything is in order and I get seen before the office closes at 4pm I can send everything off to Texas. Unfortunately, it could be 3 months given the size of the IRS and also the fact that the Federal budget issue thing shut them down for a period of time recently. I have no idea of the length of the backlog but will maintain faith in their system; after all, this is the nation that landed men on the moon.

    It’s not that 30% of any royalties will be a large amount of cash but it’s the principle of thing. I feel slighted that I have to apply for this ‘concession’ given the very Special Relationship that I must have with our US allies. Additionally, it’s a complicated, bureaucratic bit of nonsense that will not beat me…

    Roll on publication date! God bless America!

    Further reading…..

    If you liked this blog please take a moment to check out my book describing the solo Land’s End to John O’Groats ride in 2012, all profit from sales to

    Please click the cover image for the Kindle version or click here to order a paperback copy. Thank you!


  4. Looking forward to the New Year….

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    It’s been a while since the last blog post; the usual day to day responsibilities have got in the way of riding and writing. The Christmas break has provided a lot of opportunity to revisit the marketing of my book with a view to shifting the remaining copies of the last order. I have also decided to publish to Kindle but have a few issues around the US tax treaty with the UK and getting a decent cover image that is formatted for Kindle.

    The opportunity to place a stall in Wantage’s community shop arose in November, I thought this would be a good idea given the annual Dickensian evening would mean around 5,000 people descending on the town square to enjoy the festive extravaganza. I did my best to set up a classy looking stall that promoted the Cri Du Chat Syndrome Support Group as well as my book but it wasn’t that successful. In stepped Mim, the lady who put a lot of hard work into getting the shop up and running, her take on class was much better than mine! I have yet to go back and see how many books have sold…a treat for the New Year.

    Having recently discovered the many and varied services offered on, I have paid my $5 to a graphic designer who will recreate the original book cover for Kindle. I paid up front for the design after a brief e mail exchange with this UK based person. I had a design but just needed it in Kindle format, he was happy to do this so I will wait and see. It is possible to do all this stuff yourself but I would have to learn it from the ground up; there are currently not enough hours in the day so seemed like a good idea.

    I also became aware of a free reviewing service that will post the review onto their website if they believe it is worthy….I thought I had nothing to lose and you never know who might see this stuff.

    As to getting out on a bike ride, I think this will have to wait until next weekend. Until then, it will be the gym.

    Further reading…..

    If you liked this blog please take a moment to check out my book describing the solo Land’s End to John O’Groats ride in 2012, all profit from sales to

    Please click the cover image for the Kindle version or click here to order a paperback copy. Thank you!
